Weekly Conference Call for Saturday, October 6th Welcomes Dr. Louis Cady and Alex Monterrosa

Join us for this week’s conference call on Saturday, October 6th as we welcome Dr. Louis Cady and Diamond Associates Alex Monterrosa

Dr. Cady is a medical doctor and Mayo trained psychiatrist who will be speaking on antioxidants, free scavenger radicals and oxidative stress. Learn why our immune system is under constant attack and what you can do to support and help your bodies. Learn the keys to an active, healthy life.

Alex Monterrosa is a Diamond Associate who turned his life around from poverty to prosperity.  After losing almost everything in the real estate market crash, Alex was faced with the decision to either pay his electrical bill or invest in Max.  Having decided that he “must succeed,” Alex and his wife turned their lives around and he now operates one of the most successful Max businesses.   Alex will be speaking about how to invite guests to Max events and will give a special report on the Road To Diamond event from Park City.

Please join V.P. of Sales Bob Kaelin and these two incredible and talented speakers at 10:00 am Mountain 12:00 Noon Eastern Standard Time.

Call 712-432-9606

Listener PIN number 247411#.

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