Media attention for glutathione

Glutathione was the subject of an in-depth article in the April 2011 edition of  Experience Life Magazine, which is sent to Lifetime Fitness members in the U.S. You can view and download the article PDF here (give the PDF time to load). Thanks to John Dawson for the scan!

The article highlights the same glutathione benefits we have always touted, along with some nifty graphics. And, if you read between the lines, it’s clear that even the doctors who know about glutathione and its importance don’t know what Max knows, and that our products are the first and best option for glutathione support.

This isn’t the first “mainstream” attention glutathione has received this year, and we doubt it will be the last. People are starting to learn more and more about glutatione, giving you a golden opportunity to let people experience MaxOne™, MaxGXL®, MaxATP™ and Max N-Fuze™ for themselves!

Post from: Max International Blog