Today’s exclusive Diamond Day got off to a great start with brunch at the historic Ruth’s Diner in Utah’s Emigration Canyon.

The Diamond Associates arrived during some absolutely perfect weather, sunny and warm with a light wind.  As everyone entered the diner’s back patio, Steve Scott was there to great everyone with a smile and a hug.

Julio and other Associates

Perhaps most outstanding of all the Associates were the ones from Puerto Rico, who all showed up in matching green shirts.  This group was certainly very vibrant, and were excited to start the day right.

Once everyone was settled, Events Director Julie Van der Toolen welcomed everyone to the start of the Diamond Day and introduced Tracy, the owner of Ruth’s Diner.  Tracy gave us a brief history of the diner and shared some details about the colorful life of Ruth, the original founder and owner.  Ruth’s Dine is actually the second oldest restaurant in Utah!

George Reninger then led the group in giving thanks and we placed our brunch orders.

While we were waiting for the food to arrive the Associates chatted and relaxed.

Bill Greenman remarked that he greatly appreciated spending the day with the rest of the Associates.

He said “that’s what networking is all about, that’s what Max is all about.  If we were all just sitting around in a hotel, we’d still have a great time because of the camaraderie and the unity that we’ve got in this group, it’s really amazing.  I’ve been in network marketing for 35 years and I can tell you that it’s very, very rare to have this kind of camaraderie and unity amongst such a broad range of people from many different countries, it’s phenomenal.”

Jonathan Inesta noted that he was really looking forward to the good food, an amazing day, and flying high at iFly Utah.  Most of all, he loved that everyone there was coming together as a family.

It wasn’t too long before brunch was served and we got to enjoy some great dishes including a delicious open face omelet with bacon, spinach and blue cheese, there was also a delectable spicy salmon BLT with spicy mayo, and of course a hearty helping of huevos rancheros.

All that was just the start to an amazing Diamond Day.  Check back tomorrow for a larger review of the great times our Associates had.  Keep updated on all the latest happenings at AMPLIFY through the Max Blog, we’ll bring you continuously updated coverage through the rest of the week!

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