Guests: Dr. Don Colbert, Double Diamond Associate, and Dr. Bill Greenman, Diamond Associate. This call is hosted by Eric Rondeau.
When: Saturday, April 16, 10:00 a.m. Mountain Daylight Time
To participate: 760-569-7676 with PIN 167293#
More about this week’s participants
Dr. Don Colbert is our newest Double Diamond. Dr. Colbert is a highly regarded author, international speaker, television medical expert, and has the most popular radio program in Orlando, Florida. We are very excited to introduce Max Associates and guests to Dr. Colbert. He will discuss how he discovered glutathione for himself and complemented IV glutathione treatments in his medical practice over 15 years ago. Hear how he was introduced to the Max products and how he has been able to help so many of his patients with their health and their energy.
Dr. Bill Greenman has just hit Diamond with Max. He has a wide and diverse background, including 30 years as an ordained minister (with a ministry office in Kenya), 17 years as a trapeze artist, and 11 years as a circus owner. He is also a published author and has been in network marketing for 34 years. He will talk about consistency, support, and building a team of dedicated leaders.
Previous Call
The April 9 call featured Dr. Louis B. Cady (Listen) and Alan Sickman (Listen).
April 16 Conference Call, April 9 Call Recording is a post from: