Bob Kaelin Reports on Orlando Event

Bob Kaelin

Bob Kaelin

By Bob Kaelin

Nearly 300 Max Associates and guests from Puerto Rico, Florida, Texas, California, Guatemala, El Salvador, Chile, Argentina, Costa Rico and Columbia thronged to Orlando, Fla., for an extremely energetic and motivating Spanish Regional Event.

In addition to the passionate and paternalistic leaders in attendance, this event featured Co-founder Steve Scott, Co-CEOs Joe Voyticky and Dave Bagley, newly announced President Jim Stravalia, Marketing Vice President Lela Russo and myself. Many of our top leaders from Puerto Rico and Florida taught the fundamentals of building a Max business and shared their excitement and enthusiasm for the future. Along with exuberant and entertaining music, we celebrated each rank advancement with raucous applause and enthusiastic congratulations from all that attended.

Highlights of the event began with a powerful and motivating welcome from Jesus Figueroa, a Platinum, followed by introductions by Alex Monterrosa. A beautiful song about Max International, written and performed by Melvin Gonzalez Acevedo from Puerto Rico, started the emotions and the energy for the night. Jean and Alan Sickman, our Double Crown Leaders, addressed the crowd, along with presentations from each of the Max corporate leaders, giving recognition and thanks for the hard work and dedication that our Spanish Max Associates have exhibited.

New Diamonds Jonathan and Yania Inesta and Jose and Sandra Camacho were presented and they gave wonderful tributes to their family and their love for Max International. Julio and Maritza Rivera, our new Triple Diamonds, were also presented with their pins and they gave a wonderful video tribute and spoke of their gratitude for Max and their desires for all to become Diamonds in Max. Hector Marcano, our third Diamond Associate in Puerto Rico, also spoke and shared his achievements with his parents and his team.

All Max Associates and guests left the meeting with new Spanish-language sales tools and banners and a desire to share the Max products and build their Max businesses.All are excited about the opportunity in the coming years of helping Max take the products and business to Central and South America and are looking forward to the opening of Guatemala.

Viva Max!

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Post from: Max International Blog