Hear Alan Sickman on this week’s Business Calls

Three of Max’s top leaders, including Alan Sickman, are taking time out of their busy schedules to help you share Max on this week’s three business calls. Get your prospects on these calls so they can hear all that’s great and good about Max. Leverage the experience of these top leaders.

These calls begin at 8 p.m. Mountain Time each day (10 p.m. Eastern, 7 p.m. Pacific). To participate: Dial 760-569-7676 and use the PIN 167293#. Eric Rondeau is the host, and calls will last 30 minutes or less.

Tuesday, July 12: Monica Dawson, Platinum Associate

Wednesday, July 13: Alan Sickman, Double Crown Diamond Associate

Thursday, July 14: Rick Teague, Triple Crown Diamond Associate

Hear Alan Sickman on this week’s Business Calls is a post from: