June 4 Conference Call, May 28 Call Recording

Guests: Joe Voyticky, Max Co-CEO, and Dr. Daria Davidson. This call is hosted by Eric Rondeau.

When: Saturday, June 4, 10:00 a.m. MDT

To participate: 760-569-7676 with PIN 167293#.

More About This Week’s Participants
Following his week with Max Leaders at the Diamond Retreat, hear what new perspectives Joe Voyticky has regarding Max’s opportunity and what his vision is for the future of Max. Find out how you can benefit from Max’s growth.

Dr. Davidson has been in healthcare for more than 30 years. She ran a level-one trauma center for more than 11 years and personally treated more than 70,000 patients. She served as the president of the American Heart Association in 1995. She is also a new member of the Max Advisory Council. Dr. Davidson will explain the benefits of Max’s products.

Previous Call

The call on May 28 featured Dr. Louis Cady (Listen) and Dr. Daria Davidson (Listen).

June 4 Conference Call, May 28 Call Recording is a post from: