March 31st Weekly Conference Call

Join us on Saturday, March 31st for our weekly Max International conference call as we welcome Dr. Luis Fuentes and Diamond Associate Chad Stathum.

Dr. Luis Fuentes is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine who has 25 years of experience combining Oriental Medicine with the best of modern western diagnostic testing. He is an avid sportsman, a professional bicycle racer, and is frequently on the sidelines of professional and amateur sporting events tending to the medical and physical needs of his patient athletes.

Dr. Fuentes will talk about how he was introduced to glutahione and why he recommends Max products to his patients. Learn why glutathione is essential to our cells and the function it plays in helping us stay active and energetic.

Chad Stathum a Diamond associate with Max living in the Dallas, Texas area with his wife Jill.  Chad will speak about how to get started in your own Max business and will help you learn the basic steps that will start you on the path of success and happiness.

Join Vice President of Sales Bob Kaelin and these great guests at 10:00 am Mountain Time, 12 noon Eastern Time.  Remember to invite your prospects to call in with you as well!

Call 712-432-9606

Listener pin  is 247411#

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