Max 90 Day Challenge Update – Celebrating Our Qualifiers and Team Builders

We’re almost into the last month for our 90 Day Recruiting Challenge.  In our last challenge we saw a big push during the last month and we want to replicate that success in October.

You can’t afford to miss out on this Challenge because you have more ways to win and more prizes to choose from!

First, hat’s off to our first two Team Building Qualifiers – Tomas Medina and Rafael Medina!  By mentoring two personally-sponsored Associates who qualified for the 90-Day Recruiting Challenge, both Tomas and Rafael have earned their choice of a Movado Bold Watch, 3rd generation iPad, or $500 USD!

Congratulations to our current 12 qualifers in the Recruiting Challenge: John McConnell, Hong Wu, Krista Jee Neve, Alejandro Fidelino, Sylvain Legault, Angie Villareal, Alejandro Carbonell, Algis Villareal, Johana Cortez, Alfredo Nonorato, Mario Young, Keren Bendayan.

We salute all of our qualifiers as they continue to generate points, because everyone can win multiple times in this 90 Day Challenge.  Even better, the final top three qualifiers will win extra cash rewards of $1,000, $750, and $500.

Follow this link to see all the Associates who have generated 1,000 CV or more so far.  There’s only 1 month left in this promotion so start earning those points for more rewards and bigger business!

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