Max Philippines Leaders are gearing up for the much awaited visit of Steve Scott on May 9 and 10.
Special Events have been lined up as follows:
May 9 – Special Meeting with Steve Scott
Venue: New World Hotel, Makati City (2:00 – 5:00 pm)
May 10 – Start of the 2nd Philippines Road to Diamond Event
Venue: Tagaytay Highland International Golf and Country Club, Tagaytay City
With the on-going qualifications to the above mentioned events (as announced in the Max blog, in Associate Meetings, through company text messaging, flyers and bulletin board announcements) and the high level of excitement and anticipation among the Philippine Leaders and Associates, another sales and recruitment frenzy was experienced in the Philippines resulting in another record-breaking month in March with sales growth of over 25% compared to the previous month and over 80% compared to the same period last year !
For Associates who have not yet completed their qualification for the Special Meeting with Steve Scott, you still have a chance! You may visit the Max blog or call Philippine Customer Support or your uplline for the qualification details.
Block off these important dates and see you on these highly anticipated Max Philippines events!
Post from: Max International Blog