Max’s Diamond Day Celebration a Smashing Start to AMPLIFY!

After the brunch at Ruth’s Diner, the awaiting limousines whisked the Associates away to an exciting experience at iFly Utah.  iFly is a remarkable experience, an indoor wind tunnel that allows you to sky-dive while in-doors!

VP of Sales, Bob Kaelin said that everyone was really psyched up to try it out.  Though, when we saw the first few people fly straight up into the air, he felt extremely nervous due to his fear of heights.  However, some of the Associates talked him into trying it out.  He’s glad they did, because he found the experience spectacular.  There wasn’t a sense of falling at all, just an exhilarating rush.

Everyone took to the air easily, though it was noted that some Associates in particular flew effortlessly in the air.  It was certainly an experience that everyone will remember.

After such an amazing work out, the group headed out for lunch at Bistro 258.  They were fortunate to beat the weather, as when they got back into their limousines to head back to Salt Lake City, it had started to rain.

Though they had left the sunny day behind, our group joined with other Associates for the elegant Diamond Dinner at the Millcreek Inn.  The fresh rain brought a crispness to the mountain air that’s special to this part of Utah.

Everyone enjoyed an outstanding five course meal.  There were even special Max International cocktails available.  A unique mix of vodka, rum, mint and lemon juice made for a fun celebration of Max’s new corporate colors.

To cap off the night’s events, Edward and Victoria Vieco were awarded their diamond rings in recognition of their success and accomplishments.


Overall, this was an amazing day and a perfect start to the AMPLIFY 2012 weekend events.  We hope to see more qualified Diamond Associates join us next year for even more fun and camaraderie.

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