Guests: Dr. John Kindle and Alex Monterrosa, Diamond Associate. This call is hosted by Eric Rondeau.
When: Saturday, May 14, 10:00 a.m. Mountain Daylight Time
To participate: 760-569-7676 with PIN 167293#
More about this week’s participants
Dr. Kindle has completed 35 years of family practice in Ottawa, Canada. In the 1990s he was the chief of Palliative Care for over 5 years at the Riverside Hospital in Ottawa where he was first introduced to alternative treatments by his patients. Dr. Kindle will speak about the critical nutrients for health and the toxins and contaminants our body stores.
Alex Monterrosa is a successful businessman in both real estate and network marketing. He, his father, and his brother joined Max in August 2008, after hearing Steve Scott and Dr. Robert Keller. He says that having found an “effective partner” in Max International and spreading the message with the help of a great team, their success was “inevitable.” Alex has developed a strong team and is selfless with his time and expertise to all Max Associates and guests. He and his brother Rick are our newest Diamonds. Alex lives with his wife Claudia in Miami, Florida. Alex will share how he uses the Max tools and how you can be more successful with an easy duplicatable system.
Previous Call
The May 7 call featured Dave Bagley, Max Co-CEO (Listen) and Dr. Daria Davidson (Listen).
May 14 Conference Call, May 7 Call Recording is a post from: