New Zealand and Australian Associates, don’t miss your opportunity to join us for the Saturday morning Conference Calls. Grant Bracefield and Bernie Ogilvy lead New Zealand and Australasia’s best-kept secret with this upbeat and insightful call.
Featuring up-to-the-minute news, activities, and testimonies from New Zealand, Australia and the Asia Pacific Nations, the Saturday Conference Call highlights the latest and greatest news from Associates around the region.
If you’re building a Max business in the area, get in on this call to join the excitement and the success occurring throughout the region.
The Conference Call happens every Saturday at 9am NZST
Dial: 001 719-313-5790 +Access code: 726804#
Skype: “joinconference” + Access code 726804#
Don’t meander in the morning, rattle your dags and get in on this call!
New Zealand’s Saturday Conference Call a Great Resource for the NZ/AUS Region is a post from: