The U.S. and Canada Road to Diamond Event concluded on Saturday, June 25th, the last day of an inspiring, unifying, and celebratory event not soon to be forgotten. As one Associate was heard to comment at Saturday’s dinner, “You have to get your people to this event. They have to want to be here.”
Saturday’s morning session featured eye-opening training from Double Crown Diamond Alan Sickman and Co-CEO Joe Voyticky, who shared his world-class knowledge of negotiations with attendees. Joe has taught this subject at the Harvard Law School (where of course he also studied), and his remarks introduced Associates’ to the idea of BATNAs (best alternative to a negotiated agreement), using third-party information in negotiations, and working toward agreements that truly meet the other person’s needs.
The afternoon was set aside for an “Amazing Race“-style team building exercise. Associates were divided into random teams and were given the task of deciphering clues that led them to various Salt Lake City landmarks…some more historic than others—the Eagle Gate Monument on State Street and South Temple; the Salt Lake Tabernacle; Clark Planetarium; Gateway fountains; Energy Solutions Arena; the Salt Palace, and back to the hotel.
Once the teams arrived at each station the teams had to perform a task that required team work and imagination. For example, at the Tabernacle, given it’s historic connection to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, teams had to sing to Sales VP Bob Kaelin. At another, they had to do a coordinated dance. At the fountain, teams had to fill a water cup by soaking a sponge and passing the water cup-t0-cup. One of the most difficult challenges was trying to blow a bubble using three very sugary gum balls. It proved much harder than the contestants (including Becky Daly) probably imagined.
To wrap up the event, teams had to construct a 3-foot-tall tower made of marshmallows and (uncooked) spaghetti. The activity brought smiles to many faces, not to mention more than a little competitive spirit. The team that eventually won built up a large, early lead. A team trying to close the gap was able to do so…by skipping the fourth station (names have been omitted to protect the guilty!). All who participated greatly enjoyed the chance to get outside for a couple hours of fun.
After all the teams returned, they had the privilege of meeting Max’s oldest Associate, Bishop Otis Clark, who, at 108 years old (!), is still preaching the Gospel message and living well, thanks in part no doubt to Max.
The event wrapped up with a well-received buffet dinner featuring babyback ribs and apple crisp & ice cream. Many dinners raved about the ribs, returning for second helpings. Everyone was able to unwind after dinner with an energetic night of Karaoke. As Bob Kaelin said, “if you’ve never done Karaoke with Puerto Rican Associates, you’re in for a treat.” Any Puerto Rican involvement meant lots of dancing and exuberant renditions of regional favorites.
While many Associates departed for home on Sunday, a large number stayed in town for today’s corporate Fly-In, a great way to wrap up a productive, insightful weekend, and simultaneously begin the next phase of their career with Max.
Congratulations to all who attended! Watch for information regarding the next U.S. & Canada Road to Diamond and how you can qualify.
Road to Diamond Concludes with Rousing Amazing Race Activity, Joe Voyticky Training, Dinner, Karaoke, and more! is a post from: