Saturday Conference Call Helps You Share Max, Learn More

Guests: Dr. Raul Morales Borges and Dr. Bill Greenman, Diamond Associate. Eric Rondeau will host this call.

When: Saturday, June 11, 10:00 a.m. MDT

To participate: 760-569-7676 with PIN 167293#

More About This Week’s Participants
Dr. Morales received his bachelor’s degree in premedical science in 1985 from the University of Puerto Rico. He then earned his medical degree at the San Juan Bautista School of Medicine in Puerto Rico in 1990. His specialization was at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, as internal medicine physician, and then in medical oncology & hematology at Providence Hospital & University of Michigan. He returned to Puerto Rico in 1995 and established a private practice at the Ashford Presbyterian Community Hospital in San Juanwill discuss the central role of glutathione and good health.

Dr. Bill Greenman has a wide and diverse background, including 30 years as an ordained minister (with a ministry office in Kenya), 17 years as a trapeze artist, and 11 years as a circus owner. He is also a published author and has been in network marketing for 34 years. He will talk about his experience at the Diamond Retreat in Maui and the key elements of achieving success at Max.

Previous Call

The call on June 4 featured Co-CEO Joe Voyticky (Listen) and Steve Lee (Listen).

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