Demonstrating Visible Solutions™ is a great way to grab attention and pique interest in this product line, but where do you go from there? How do you build a business with Visible Solutions? Find out on this call, and also learn more about glutathione and why we must be pro-active to stay healthy.
Guests: Dr. Tim Kershenstein and Stacy Chapman. This call is hosted by Eric Rondeau.
When: Saturday, May 21, 10:00 a.m. Mountain Daylight Time
To participate: 760-569-7676 with PIN 167293#
More about this week’s participants
Dr. Kershenstein will share his unique perspective in integrative medicine and natural solutions to health. He will speak about how we must take charge of our health and the benefits of glutathione.
Stacy Chapman has been an entrepreneur for most of her life, establishing a highly successful women’s boutique. In 1996, Stacy was introduced to a network marketing company. This new business led her to “Woman of the Year” recognition as one of that company’s top female income earners. Over time, through Alan Sickman’s instrumentality, Stacy found Max. Stacy will be speaking about Visible Solutions and how to make this product line a successful business.
Previous Call
The May 14 call featured Dr. John Kindle, (Listen) and Alex Monterrosa, Diamond Associate (Listen).
Visible Solutions is Focus of Saturday Conference Call–Plus, May 14 recordings is a post from: