Weekly Conference Call for Saturday, August 18 Welcomes Dr. Louis Cady and Gordon Adams

Join us for this week’s conference call on Saturday, August 18 as we welcome Dr. Gordon Crozier M.D. and Platinum Associate Gordon Adams.

Dr. Cady received his medical degree from the University of Texas Branch in Galveston, Texas.  He then trained in psychiatry at the world-famous Mayo clinic and began his practice of child, adolescent, adult and forensic psychiatry in Evansville, Indiana in 1993. He has also trained in Age Management at the Cenegenics Medical Institute in Lax Vegas, Nevada.  Dr. Cady will be speaking about the role that glutathione plays in cognitive function and its importance in maintaining chemical and hormonal balance.

Gordon Adams is a Max Platinum leader in the Knoxville, Tennessee area.  Adams is a successful business coach, trainer and pastor who hosts the Monday Morning Fired Up and Focused call for other regional Associates.  Now Associates world-wide can hear Adams’ fiery passion as he shares his Max “Why” and what he believes to be the keys to effectively invite.

Please join V.P. of Sales Bob Kaelin and these two incredible and talented speakers at 10:00 am Mountain 12:00 Noon Eastern Standard Time.

Call 712-432-9606

Listener PIN number 247411#

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