Weekly Conference Call for Saturday, July 21

Join us for this week’s conference call on Saturday, July 14 as we welcome Dr. Tim Kershenstein and Max Associate Jerry Bogus

Dr. Tim Kershenstein, a Max Diamond Associate, is a student of Eastern medical techniques who specializes in Tropical and integrative medicines.  Dr. Kershenstein will discuss the keys to a healthy and energetic lifestyle and will explain the importance of glutathione and the many reasons we must support our immune system.

Jerry Boggus is an Associate with over 35 years of experience in network marketing as a top leader and earner in his previous company.  Jerry will share his story about his success and why he came to Max and also explain how each of us can better build a successful Max business.

Join V.P. of Sales Bob Kaelin and these great guests at 10:00 am Mountain Time, 12:00 Noon Eastern Standard Time.

Call 712-432-9606

Listener PIN number 247411#.

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