Weekly Conference Call for Saturday, September 1st Welcomes Dr. Luis Fuentes and Ricardo Monterrosa Sr.

Join us for this week’s conference call on Saturday, September 1st as we welcome Dr. Luis Fuentes and Platinum Associate Ricardo Monterrosa Sr.

Dr. Luis Fuentes is the owner and Medical Director of HealthMedPlus, a subsidiary of Integrative health Diagnostics. After his initial studies to be a medical doctor, Dr. Fuentes opted to practice functional medicine and is now a Doctor of Oriental Medicine. He is also an endurance athlete that still races road bicycles at a Pro-1-2 level.  Hear Dr. Fuentes explain the benefits of increasing your glutathione levels and how the Max products make that happen. Learn about the outside factors that accelerate the aging process and how we can slow this process down.

Ricardo Monterrosa Sr. is a Max Platinum Associate and is the father of Diamond Associates Alex and Rick Monterrosa.  Ricardo will be discussing how to best allocate your time for your Max business and present effective strategies on how to meet new people and invite them to the Max opportunity.

Please join V.P. of Sales Bob Kaelin and these two incredible and talented speakers at 10:00 am Mountain 12:00 Noon Eastern Standard Time.

Call 712-432-9606

Listener PIN number 247411#.

Don’t forget to also call in to Tuesday’s Max Athletes Sports call (8:00 pm Mountain time), and remember to invite your prospects to join you as well.

Weekly Conference Call for Saturday, September 1st Welcomes Dr. Luis Fuentes and Ricardo Monterrosa Sr. is a post from: