Join us for this week’s conference call on Saturday, September 22nd as we welcome Dr. Paul Dixon and Dr. Bill Greenman.
Dr. Paul Dixon graduated from Medical school in the Dominican Republic in 1984. He is a family practice doctor at the Tiger Medical Clinic in Cagua, Puerto Rico. Dr. Dixon will be discussing glutathione and why it is so important to raise your cellular glutathione and the benefits that you receive from doing so. Hear how he came to learn about Max International and why he recommends the Max products to his patients.
Dr. Bill Greenman is an accomplished author, trainer, entrepreneur, and Max Diamond Associate. Dr. Greenman will be discussing his experience during the recent Augusta Regional meeting and will share this expertise about how you can start your Max business with no money down.
Please join V.P. of Sales Bob Kaelin and these two incredible and talented speakers at 10:00 am Mountain 12:00 Noon Eastern Standard Time.
Call 712-432-9606
Listener PIN number 247411#.
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